ASOS Guide
Here is how to check products on Asos that are potentially restocking before monitors ping them.
If you see another region ping a good item (eg panda dunks. in another region (like France. click on the GB link.
This will bring you to the oos page of the product on the GB Asos site
Click the heart button under the product, this will add it to your Wishlist (make sure your signed in for this.
Once added, you can keep refreshing the Asos app to keep checking if that product comes in stock for your region. If it does come in stock then you will be able to buy it before the #Asos monitor pings it for the rest of Astro and other cg's that have this ASOS monitor, giving you an advantage and more chances of checking out the product.
When you have added your item in your wishlist, in future releases the Asos app will notify you when they restock so you can be even quicker then the monitor
Tips: Make sure to use apple pay, if you don't have apple pay set up i would recommend you do as it is the fastest way to checkout.
If you don't have access to apple pay, Make sure you go into your Asos settings and save your payment information and address so you don't have to try to add it while your checking out.
Pre any ASOS launch - ensure your app is logged into your account - for safety I would log out and in again just to be sure. Otherwise you will be forced to login on checkout.
Last updated