Instant Charge Based Raffles

These types of raffles require a pre-made and pre configured account before entering the raffle.

They take payment upon Win, and if the transaction does not complete the first time (eg gets reverted / insufficient balance etc), you’ve lost the pair

These sites also are pretty good when it comes to filtering, which means if you can work them out then you’ll hit every raffle with ease.

However while the rewards are great, these types of raffles often require the most amount of setup + data.

  • NIKE SNKRS (1:1)

  • Adidas App (1:5)

  • SNS App (1:1)

  • END (1:10000 just use a ABC Jig)

  • Footshop (1:1)

  • Footdistrict (1:1)

  • Wellgosh (1:1)

  • Goodhood (1:1)

  • Blackbox (1:1)

  • Lockerroom (1:1)

For Entry You Will Need

  • Pre configured accounts (phone verified, cc confirmed etc etc)

  • Accessible addresses (addy you have ACCESS to)

  • Payment methods (VCC/CC/Paypal)

  • Emails (gmail/yahoo/outlook/hotmail/catchall sometimes)


  • Addresses = X:X (depends on site but CAN change at any given time, this is why 1:1 is best)

  • Payment Methods = 1:1 (always)

  • IP = 1:1 (always)

Note: Each site will have its own specific method of filtering so pay attention to your accounts (some are harder to crack than others) & Paypal is the best for these raffles as they are a 3rd party and won't reveal any mismatching info to the site you are trying to hit, eg sns can see if billing address on cc doesn't match shipping address on the account, but with PayPal they cant)

Last updated