Credit Cards

When purchasing items from some retailers they will require a number of things, one of these will be a separate card for each purchase, or they may cancel the order. I will break down the best ways to secure multiple cards:


Total Cards: 20 cards

Countries: EU & US

Site list: All Sites (Very good for FTL EU and Supreme)

Notes: Physical and Virutal cards. Business accounts get more cards, overall very useful and needed if botting Supreme. Does have 3DS enabled

Revolut Business

Total Cards: 221 cards: 20 default virtual, 1 physical and 200 subscription cards.

Countries: EU & US

Site list: Most sites (Very good for FTL EU) banned on Supreme.

Notes: Physical, virtual and subscription cards, has 3DS enabled. Please beware that Revolut can and will often freeze your account at any random time and leave this frozen for months at a time with little to no reasoning. Please do not keep large amounts of money in your Revolut accounts!


Total Cards: 1

Countries: EU

Site list: All Sites

Notes: Physical card which you can add cards to and it will charge via the bank card attached.


Total Cards: 5

Countries: UK

Site list: All Sites

Notes: Physical card Online bank which has 3DS enabled


Total Cards: 1

Countries: UK

Site list: All Sites

Notes: Physical card Online bank which has 3DS enabled


Total Cards: 1

Countries: EU (Not UK)

Site list: All Sites

Notes: Physical card Online bank which has 3DS enabled


Total Cards: 2

Countries: EU

Site list: All Sites

Notes: Physical and Virtual card (Max 1 of each) Online bank which has 3DS enabled


Total Cards: 4

Countries: UK

Site list: All Sites

Notes: All physical cards Online bank which has 3DS enabled


Total Cards: up to 20

Countries: EU

Site list: All Sites

Notes: All Virtual cards Online bank which has 3DS enabled


Card Amount: up to 60

Countries: US

Site list: All Sites Except Supreme

Notes: All Virtual cards Online bank which has 3DS disabled


Card Amount: up to 25

Countries: EU

Site list: All Sites

Notes: All Virtual cards Online bank which has 3DS disabled

Last updated