Where to start reselling


Raffles are a great way of securing limited/hyped trainers and if done correctly can result in making hundreds if not thousands of profit each month, within Astro Alerts there are 2 channels used to inform members - #raffles and #raffle-important, staff will ping when the raffles go live so be sure to enter. The best way to increase your chances on winning raffles is to increase your amount of entries, do this by asking family and friends for the use of their addresses and make multiple bank accounts to acquire more cards, for most sites it is best to do completely unique information and a different card for each entry, this is true for sites such as Nike/Snkrs , adidas Confirmed and most prepaid raffles.

Side note: for Nike/Snkrs and adidas confirmed. Download the apps on multiple devices and use a different account on each device with unique information/card as stated above, make sure each device has a different IP address, you can do this by connecting them to different networks, such as 1 device on Home Wifi, another on cellular Data, and any others you can hotspot. Use them to enter raffles and this will greatly increase your chances of winning.

First Come First Serve / Shock Drops

FCFS Drops are generally at a random time between 8am-5pm BST Monday - Friday and are reliant on speed, it is recommended to be active on your device during these times ready for staff to ping so you can attempt to checkout immediately as profitable items can go out of stock within seconds. Not all sites you will have a chance to cop manually (without a bot) as you are competing with automated software and they naturally have the edge, within Astro Alerts there is channel #monitor-manual-guide which lists the sites you will be able to cop from during a random shock drop without a bot. To increase your speed when at checkout it is recommended to set-up Apple pay / Paypal and also google chrome / Safari autofill which will automatically input your address for you and help out massively.

Side note: Offspring/Office is a site that drops frequently and is able to cop manually, some tips would include always be ready 8am-3pm ready for a ping as this is when drops usually occur and you need to be as fast as possible to add to cart to have a good chance in copping, if you are unable to cart initially do not give up until the item is out of stock keep attempting to cart and when the site blocks you there will be a spinning wheel for a long time, close the tab and switch ip by turning on cellular data or putting your device or airplane mode for 5 seconds and continue trying.

Lowkey Flips and Brick Flips

Lowkey flips are excellent and are where your money can exponentially grow. These will be easy to cop manual and will usually sell for a nice Return On Investment (ROI). For example, PS5's were easy to secure with the help of the Monitors and other members. We have alerted flips on numerous lowkey items: Collectibles, Vinyl's, Electronics, Toys, Coins etc...

Brick flips are shoes with lower profit margins than hypes shoes and are usually bought discounted but are far easier to obtain a large quantity of and can be an amazing way to build capital, if you have low capital it is recommended to only purchase fast moving brick/lowkey flips which have frequent sales.

Last updated